Teeth Straightening For Children In Tomball, TX

Get Airway Dysfunction In Children Treated With HealthyStart®

"*" indicates required fields

Does your child snore and/or can you hear them breathe?*
Does your child wake up frequently at night or get really tired during the day?*
Is your child hyperactive and/or do they have difficulty focusing?*
Does your child grind their teeth?*
Does your child have crooked teeth?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Take our Children’s Sleep and Breathing Questionnaire

"*" indicates required fields

Does your child snore and/or can you hear them breathe?*
Does your child wake up frequently at night or get really tired during the day?*
Is your child hyperactive and/or do they have difficulty focusing?*
Does your child grind their teeth?*
Does your child have crooked teeth?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Introducing HealthyStart® Oral Appliances for Natural Jaw Growth and Straighter Teeth!


What is HealthyStart®?

HealthyStart® is a series of oral appliances or mouth “pillows” that children wear while sleeping in order to promote proper jaw growth and oral posture. The healthy start oral appliances accomplish the ultimate goal of a healthy airway and straight teeth without braces.

Take Our HealthyStart® Quiz

Why Choose HealthyStart®?

The HealthyStart® treatment is a safe, painless, non-invasive, and effective solution. It tackles the underlying cause of Sleep Disordered Breathing, encourages good oral habits, enhances the airway and jaw development, and ultimately leads to permanently straight teeth without the need for braces. With HealthyStart®, you'll witness your child transforming into their best self, going beyond just a beautiful smile.

Take Our HealthyStart® Quiz

Signs Of Airway Dysfunction Or Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) In Children



Chronic Allergies


Mouth Breathing


Swollen Adenoids/ Tonsils


Teeth Grinding

Frequently waking up

Excessive sweating while sleeping


Aggressive/Irritable behavior

Difficulty in school: Math , Reading, Science

Daytime sleepiness

Arrested Growth

Dark circles under the eyes

Teeth Straightening Procedure With Healthystart System


Comprehensive Evaluation

We thoroughly evaluate your child’s oral health and teeth alignment. Our experienced dental team in Tomball, TX, will assess their bite, jaw development, and any existing misalignments.

Custom Treatment Plan

We will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your child’s specific needs based on the evaluation results. We will explain the recommended approach, discuss the expected timeline, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Introduction To The Healthystart System

Our teeth straightening procedure for kids revolves around the innovative HealthyStart™ System. This system utilizes a series of removable oral appliances specifically designed for children. These appliances are comfortable to wear and help guide the teeth and jaw into proper alignment.

Progress Monitoring

Our dental team will closely monitor your child’s progress throughout the teeth straightening process. Regular check-up appointments will be scheduled to assess the movement of their teeth and make any necessary appliance adjustments.

Completion And Retention

Once the desired teeth alignment is achieved, we will transition your child to a retention phase. Retainers or other retention devices may be recommended to maintain the newly straightened teeth and prevent any relapse.

Insurance and Financing Options

We accept most PPO insurances. Our dental staff is happy and eager to help you determine your insurance coverage and enjoy your benefits.

If you are someone without a dental insurance plan, we have financing options for you. We offer flexible payment options through Cherry, Sunbit, and CareCredit, and we also have In-house financing available.

No insurance? No problem we have an In house Dental Membership for Kids.

Meet The Team